Educational institutions are continually developing to meet the demands of shifting policies and student requirements, where their learning environments and technologies must adapt.
Changing approaches to teaching methods and an emphasis on making better use of sites and buildings can lead to the need for significant development proposals for schools and colleges. Education buildings are often in sensitive landscapes or close to housing where issues of visual and traffic impacts may need to be addressed. Our academic clients rely on us for the guidance and expertise needed to navigate the environmental process for educational projects of all types. From groundbreaking for new schools, to campus expansion planning, to full-scale modernization projects.

Betsy Lindsay
Ms. Lindsay is the founder of UltraSystems. She has led the firm’s growth by focusing on quality and a service-driven approach for its clients. Ms. Lindsay brings over 30 years of experience managing or providing principal oversight of environmental documents for various types of projects. Her primary responsibilities include business and project management, contract administration, resource allocation and quality control.