Natural Resource Management


Construction Monitoring and Reporting

We work with our clients to ensure construction compliance with federal, state, and local regulations, including but not limited to, air quality, biological resources (i.e., sensitive habitats and species), cultural resources, encroachment permits, grading permits, noise ordinances, stormwater BMPs, and wetlands (see representative permit list above).

UltraSystems provides construction staff training to comply with regulations, ensure sensitive resources are protected during construction activities, and prepares required monitoring reports for submittal to agencies. We maintain effective communication with the agency representatives and our client, meet scheduled monitoring deadlines, and obtain agency approval.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)

UltraSystems develops general construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) to assist clients in complying with Section 402 of the Federal Clean Water Act NPDES regulations. Every construction site that disturbs one acre or more, or is less than one acre but part of a larger common plan that would disturb one acre or more, must comply with the State of California’s General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activities. The SWPPP must outline the Best Management Practices (BMPs) planned for use on the site to prevent pollutants from leaving the project site. The submission of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is required prior to the issuance of an Improvement Plan, Grading Permit or Encroachment Permit.