Aesthetics and Visual Studies
UltraSystems conducts visual analyses to provide a basis for assessing potential project impacts in terms of CEQA and NEPA significance criteria. The assessment includes:
- An inventory of potentially sensitive viewing areas, including scenic vistas, major view corridors, historic buildings and monuments;
- Visual simulations to provide a simulation of the view’s appearance once the project is in place;
- Identification of the project’s potential aesthetic impacts by comparison of existing views with simulations and in association with land use regulations; and
- Evaluation of mitigation measures or revised design features, if significant impacts are identified.
UltraSystems aesthetic and visual studies meet resource agency guidelines and CEQA and NEPA regulations.
“I will personally make sure that the hard work and effort that UltraSystems has shown with the expedited San Diego Creek request is reflected in the scoring/evaluation and that UltraSystems will definitely move up in the ranking.”