Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring
UltraSystems prepares Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Proposals (HMMPs) for projects requiring habitat restoration to mitigate for impacts to biological resources and wetlands as required to comply with resource agency authorizations (i.e., USACE, RWQCB, CDFG, USFW, etc). The HMMP involves a detailed description of baseline biological resources and the environmental setting, existing functions and values of the affected areas, mitigation goals and strategies, implementation plan, performance criteria, maintenance and monitoring specifications and contingency plans. The HMMP also describes site preparation activities, such as amending and redistributing topsoil, seeding and planting, and provides recommendations for temporary irrigation systems and fencing, including detailed construction drawings and specifications. Installation methods, maintenance procedures, and performance monitoring and reporting requirements are defined in the report, with the objective of achieving the overall goals and performance standards of the habitat restoration activity.
“I will personally make sure that the hard work and effort that UltraSystems has shown with the expedited San Diego Creek request is reflected in the scoring/evaluation and that UltraSystems will definitely move up in the ranking.”