Air Quality
UltraSystems Air Quality experts have prepared hundreds of air quality management plans and performed on-site compliance monitoring for major construction projects. They have prepared air quality analyses for multiple industrial, transportation, infrastructure, commercial and residential development projects. UltraSystems provides baseline assessments of existing conditions; estimates construction and operational emissions; and prepares health risk assessments.
UltraSystems’ staff are experts in using emissions models such as CalEEMod, EMFAC2011 and CT-EMFAC; and dispersion models such as ISCST3, AERMOD, EDMS and ALOHA. We develop successful mitigation strategies, offering fresh and creative solutions, and have negotiated agency approvals to expedite projects. UltraSystems also helps clients comply with air quality regulations through obtaining permits to construct and operate, preparing annual emissions reports and quadrennial air toxics emission inventories, and responding to notices of violation.
UltraSystems provides comprehensive air quality services at all stages of a project, from initial planning to long-term assistance with compliance. These services include:
Project Development and Expansion
- Pre-planning to minimize air pollution
- Preliminary design and costing of control systems
- Air quality impact analyses (as part of EIRs)
- Applications for permit to construct and operate
- Title V applications
- Negotiations with air pollution control agencies
- Tracking and interpretation of regulatory changes
Compliance Services
- Preparing compliance plans
- Air quality audits
- Preparing compliance plans
- Setting up recordkeeping systems
- Preparing periodic reports (annual emissions reports, etc.)
- Response to notices to comply and notices of violation
- Air monitoring during construction
- Training in air quality management
- Litigation support
Technical Services
- Developing emission inventories
- Ambient air monitoring
- Source test protocols
- Dispersion modeling
Risk Assessment
- Air toxics inventory reports
- AB2588 health risk assessments
- Proposition 65 safe harbor determinations
- Offsite consequence analyses for risk management programs
“I will personally make sure that the hard work and effort that UltraSystems has shown with the expedited San Diego Creek request is reflected in the scoring/evaluation and that UltraSystems will definitely move up in the ranking.”