Inland Regional Materials Recovery Facility, Mitigated Negative Declaration
UltraSystems prepare an Initial Study//Mitigated Negative Declaration for a proposed Inland Recycling Facility. The subject property is located on 6.14 acres. In August 1999, the materials recovery facility (MRF) was granted a CUP by the City of Colton for a truck storage yard, truck maintenance facility, solid waste recycling and processing center, and public buy-back/recycling center. The proposed environmental document prepared by UltraSystems was to amend the existing CUP, and grant the facility the right to accept mixed municipal solid waste from existing customers including residential/commercial/industrial throughout the City of Colton Riverside and San Bernardino Counties.
As part of the IS/MND, UltraSystems prepared several technical studies, including air quality, health risk assessment, noise and traffic study.
Additionally, UltraSystems assisted with the following discretionary permits required for this facility, they included: Amendment to the existing Conditional Use Permit (City); Solid Waste Facilities Permit (California Integrated Waste Management Board); Industrial Waste Discharge Permit (County); National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit Permits (Regional Water Quality Control Board); Stormwater Discharge Permits (Regional Water Quality Control Board); Waste Discharge Permit Requirements (Regional Water Quality Control Board); Notice of Intent for General Stormwater Permits (California State Water Resources Control Board); and Hazardous Waste Identification Number (California Department of Health Services, Toxic Substances Control Program).