William A. Fox Airport Master Plan Update
Work Scope: UltraSystems was responsible for preparing the Existing Conditions Report that formed the basis of the “Affected Environment” section of the environmental assessment (EA) document. That environmental document was part of the General William J. Fox Airfield Master Plan Update Report.
Fox Field is a general aviation airport located in Lancaster, CA, and operated by the County of Los Angeles Airport Commission and the County Board of Supervisors. This airfield contains runways, taxiways, aprons, parking and access, maintenance facilities, utilities, navigational aids, support buildings, and aircraft storage. Fixed based operator and general aviation services are available at Fox Field. Adjacent land uses include Appolo County Park to the east, and an existing industrial park southeast of the airfield. The areas to the north, south and west of the Airport are currently vacant.
Project Highlights: The Existing Conditions Report included an environmental baseline map that identified the location of environmental resources on and adjacent to the airfield, non-compatible land uses located adjacent to the airfield, and potential environmental impacts. The EA was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the NEPA and CEQA, and FAA Order 5050.4B. UltraSystems also prepared technical studies for Air Quality, Noise and Cultural Resources.