Mango Avenue Industrial Project
The City of Fontana has received several applications from Magellan Value Partners, LLC (the Project Applicant) which would authorize and facilitate development of a warehouse/distribution facility on vacant land located on the west side of Mango Avenue, east of Sierra Avenue and north of Sierra Lakes Parkway. The project site (APNs 1119-221-64 and -68) is comprised of 5.80 gross acres. The site is vacant and has sparse ground vegetation. The land uses in the immediate project vicinity include industrial, retail/commercial shopping center, and the Sierra Lakes Specific Plan residential areas.
The proposed 115,100-square-foot logistics/distribution center would include an office/mezzanine comprising 6,000 square feet, and a second office of 4,000 square feet. The logistics/distribution center will have 20 truck dock bays, and 10 drive-thru doors, and 90 automobile parking spaces and 23 trailer parking spaces. Primary site ingress and egress is provided at a 40-foot-wide driveway along Mango Avenue in the project site’s southeast corner. A second 35-foot-wide driveway would be located along Sierra Avenue at the project site’s southwest corner.
UltraSystems is preparing an Initial Study (IS)/Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) pursuant to the requirements of CEQA. Our scope of work also includes preparation of an Air Quality Assessment and Screening Level Health Risk Assessment, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Study, Cultural Resources Assessment, Energy Assessment, Noise Assessment, Biological Resources Assessment and Traffic Generation Memorandum. UltraSystems is conducting technical analyses for each of the environmental factors, as requested by the City, and providing well-supported responses for all questions listed under each environmental factor in CEQA Guidelines Appendix G. Mitigation measures will be developed in proportion to the severity and probability of occurrence of any identified potentially significant effects.