Anaheim Transportation Network Maintenance and Charging Facilities
The project involves construction and operation of a surface parking lot for outdoor storage and charging of buses, including 85 bus parking spaces and 79 chargers; and a mezzanine level with 74 car parking spaces and a 2,180-square-foot office building. Access to the site would be via two driveways from Claudina Avenue. Parking lots and garages (interpreted here to include parking structures) are permitted by right in the Public Services zone.
At the Manchester Avenue site, the project would involve construction and operation of a two-story operations and maintenance building with up to approximately 20,294 square feet of building area. The building would include a 9,794-square-foot bus maintenance facility and 1,500 square feet of office space on the ground floor. The second floor will include up to 9,000 square feet of space that could be used for storage or office use. The project at Manchester Avenue would include 21 general parking spaces for employee use, and 12 spaces to store buses that are undergoing maintenance. A bus wash station would be built in the southern half of the site. Access to the site would be via three driveways from Manchester Avenue. The proposed bus maintenance is classified as Automotive- Repair and Modification: Minor in the City of Anaheim list of permitted uses in commercial zones. Such use is permitted with a Minor Conditional Use Permit (MCUP) in the C-G zone. Here we are conservatively applying the C-G zone to the entire site.
UltraSystems will assist the City staff in processing and conducting the environmental review for the proposed project in full compliance with applicable provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, its attendant State CEQA Guidelines, both as amended.
We have developed a Work Program (Scope of Services) including the preparation of a CEQA Categorical Exemption and supporting technical studies for the proposed project. In addition, UltraSystems proposes to prepare and file notices required for the project including the Notice of Exemption (NOE). Acting as an extension of City staff, we will conduct our activities closely coordinating with the City’s primary point of contact for this project.