Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Analysis – Imperial Holiday Inn
Oasis Growth Partners, LLC proposed to develop the “Alliance Regional Center” on a 25-acre site at the northwest corner of the intersection of Neckel Road and State Highway 86 (North Imperial Avenue) in Imperial, California. The project included a Holiday Inn hotel, two restaurants, and an office building. UltraSystems prepared air quality, greenhouse gases (GHG), noise, and biological resource technical studies to support a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) document. The air quality study included (1) use of URBEMIS 2007 to estimate construction and operational impacts, including those due to traffic generated by the project, and (2) a conformity analysis with regional air quality management plans. The GHG analysis considered (1) emissions from construction and on-road mobile sources, and (2) direct and indirect GHG emissions from on-site energy use. UltraSystems also reviewed the City of Imperial’s General Plan, Noise Element, and the Imperial Municipal Code to obtain information on local noise standards and thresholds of significance. The team conducted ambient noise sampling at various locations on and off-site during representative hours to characterize present conditions and identify significant off-site sources.