Alton Parkway Extension
UltraSystems conducted archaeological and paleontological monitoring, biological construction surveys, biological wildlife corridor supervision, and prepared the Worker Environmental Awareness Program (WEAP) to train construction workers, for the Alton Parkway Extension Project. The project involved construction of a six-lane divided roadway for two miles from Irvine Boulevard to Commercentre Drive between the cities of Irvine and Lake Forest. Other improvements, such as drainage facilities, flood-control improvements, and an on-road bikeway, were implemented during the road construction. The project constructed a critical gap closure to alleviate traffic congestion and accommodate the traffic generated by developments planned for the area. UltraSystems biologists conducted USFWS protocol-level, preconstruction surveys and construction monitoring for the coastal California gnatcatcher, least Bell’s vireo, and other sensitive wildlife. Construction monitoring for sensitive biological resources was conducted over a 13-month period that included coordination with construction crews and OC Public Works to prevent construction stoppage and assist with regulation compliance. UltraSystems biologists successfully protected five pairs of coastal California gnatcatchers and one pair of least Bell’s vireo nesting around the project site, and avoided construction delays.