Fairfield Ranch Commons Mixed-Use
The project was a mixed use development proposed on 32 acres of disturbed land in the City of Chino Hills. The site was designated for Business Park uses and surrounded by a regional wastewater treatment plant, mobile home park, and temple. The applicant requested approval of a General Plan Amendment to change the land use from a Business Park to a Very High Density Residential designation, and a zone change to RM-3 (Very High Density Residential) on the northern 14 acres in order to construct a 346 unit apartment complex. The remaining 17 acres would be developed as a business park containing a maximum of 326,641-square feet of floor space. UltraSystems prepared air quality, greenhouse gas, noise, biological resources and cultural resources technical studies to support an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND). Issues of concern addressed by the IS/MND included siting of sensitive uses within a business park, increased noise levels on surrounding property, exposure of future residents to substantial odors generated by the adjacent wastewater treatment plant, and many other concerns expressed by the public and Planning Commission. UltraSystems proposed mitigation measures and a Mitigation and Monitoring Program (MMRP) to satisfactorily address these concerns. The City concluded that the IS/MND and MMRP prepared by UltraSystems were appropriate and approved the project.