9160-9176 Sunset Boulevard Project
The City of West Hollywood (City) proposes to construct and operate a five-story landmark building that has retail, restaurant, and office uses on the first floor and exclusively office uses on floors two through five, on an approximately 0.43-acre site located at 9160-9176 Sunset Boulevard. The northern wall of the building that faces Sunset Boulevard would be an LED screen that displays art and advertisements. The project would also provide 100 car parking spaces and eight bicycle parking spaces in a two-level underground parking structure, in addition to six bicycle parking spaces on the ground level. Refer to the project location map on the following page.
The City has contracted UltraSystems to provide the environmental review services for the proposed project. UltraSystems’ scope of services includes preparation of an EIR to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). As part of the EIR, UltraSystems conducted technical assessments for Air Quality/Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Noise, and Traffic. UltraSystems is also providing support for public noticing, public distribution and public hearings for the project.