Los Angeles River Regional Bike Path

Los Angeles River Regional Bike Path

Los Angeles River Regional Bike Path Market: Bike Trails & Parks, CEQA/NEPA, Transportation, Water and Wastewater Services: Biological Services Client: Katz, Okitso Associates – KOA County: Los Angeles Location: Studio City, CA UltraSystems evaluated...
Marvin Braude Mulholland Gateway Park, Environmental Impact Report

Marvin Braude Mulholland Gateway Park, Environmental Impact Report

Marvin Braude Mulholland Gateway Park, Environmental Impact Report Category: Bike Trails & Parks, Development, Biological Resources Client: Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority Location: Los Angeles, CA UltraSystems prepared an Environmental Impact...
Richard T. Steed Memorial Park/Pickleball Courts – Addendum

Richard T. Steed Memorial Park/Pickleball Courts – Addendum

Richard T. Steed Memorial Park/Pickleball Courts – Addendum Market: Bike Trails & Parks, CEQA/NEPA Services: Addendum, IS/MND, CEQA/NEPA Client: City of San Clemente- Beaches, Parks & Recreation Department Location: Southwest of the Intersection of La...
Rio Hondo Park

Rio Hondo Park

Rio Hondo Park Market: Bike Trails & Parks, CEQA/NEPA Services: IS/MND, Technical Studies Client: RHA Landscape Architects Planners, Inc. Location: 8421 San Luis Potosi Place, Pico Rivera, CA 90660 The City of Pico Rivera determined that the existing Rio Hondo...
RivCo Parks SARB (Santa Ana River Bottom)

RivCo Parks SARB (Santa Ana River Bottom)

RivCo Parks SARB (Santa Ana River Bottom) Market: Bike Trails & Parks, CEQA/NEPA, Development Services: IS/MND, CEQA, MMRP Client: David Beckwith and Associates, Inc. Location: 4600 Crestmore Road, Riverside, CA 92509 Contract Highlights: CEQA documentation...
Tustin Citrus Ranch Park

Tustin Citrus Ranch Park

Tustin Citrus Ranch Park Market: Bike Trails & Parks, Cultural Resources Services: Cultural Resources, Paleontological and Archaeological Monitoring Client: City of Tustin c/o Willdan Engineering Location: Tustin, CA UltraSystems provided cultural resource...
University Business Park and Mixed-Use Development/Specific Plan EIR

University Business Park and Mixed-Use Development/Specific Plan EIR

University Business Park and Mixed-Use Development/Specific Plan EIR Category: Bike Trails & Parks, Development, EIR, Master Plans & Specific Plans, Mixed-use Client: City of San Marcos Location: San Marcos, CA UltraSystems has been retained by the City of San...