Rio Hondo Park

  • Market: ,
  • Services: IS/MND, Technical Studies
  • Client: RHA Landscape Architects Planners, Inc.
  • Location: 8421 San Luis Potosi Place, Pico Rivera, CA 90660

The City of Pico Rivera determined that the existing Rio Hondo Park was in need of refurbishment and updating. UltraSystems was retained to provide environmental documentation to support the city’s efforts. The existing Rio Hondo Park is located 8421 San Luis Potosi, Pico Rivera. The park is bordered by Beverly Road to the north, Fir Street to the east, San Luis Potosi to the south, and the Rio Hondo Channel to the west.

The existing park site consisted of approximately 44 acres, including undeveloped grass field of approximately 8.5 acres. The current park was planned to be redeveloped with a small office building, concession, restroom building, basketball courts, parking lot, newly renovated playgrounds, handball courts, electrical utility enclosure, and a baseball field.

UltraSystems commenced work on an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration, as well as supporting technical reports regarding Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Paleontological Resources Assessment, Traffic Impact Analysis (Trip Generation Memorandum and VMT Screening Level Analysis), and Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. After an initial analysis, the City determined that it was not in their best interest to go forward with the project.