Butterfield Overland Trail Preliminary Environmental and Engineering Services
Contract Highlights: (CEQA, supporting technical studies, and preliminary engineering)
Project description: The project consists of improvements to a 2.5-mile section of the Butterfield National Historic Trail in the western part of the City of Lake Elsinore. The Butterfield Overland Trail (BOT)—most of which is proposed for designation as the Butterfield National Historic Trial (BNHT)—extended 3,553 miles carrying mail and passengers from two eastern termini at St. Louis, Missouri, and Memphis, Tennessee to its western terminus at San Francisco, California. The BOT operated from 1858 to 1861. Stations were built every 10 to 20 miles for the exchange of horses and mules, and the stocking of provisions. Stagecoaches operated 24 hours per day, seven days per week, taking 24 days to complete the trip. Much of the BOT extended through what became known as the Confederate states, ceasing operations in 1861 due to the Civil War. The Riverside County Regional Parks and Open Space District (RCRPOSD) is proposing improvements along Segment 4 of the Temescal Valley portion of the trail.
UltraSystems role on the project: UltraSystems is preparing an initial study and mitigated negative declaration; air quality and greenhouse gas emissions technical study; cultural resources assessment; and noise impact assessment. Subconsultants to UltraSystems are conducting the following tasks: Cadre Environmental (biological resources): a biological resources survey; Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan Consistency Report; and Jurisdictional Delineation; and Hunsaker & Associates (engineering): preliminary engineering for the trail design and grading.