Carodean Substation
UltraSystems completed pre-construction surveys for desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) and nesting birds, in accordance with the 2010 Desert Tortoise Pre-project Survey Protocol, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and the California Fish and Game Code. No special-status species were observed onsite. Weekly construction monitoring was performed and routine weekly monitoring logs with figures were prepared to illustrate nesting bird locations, desert tortoise fencing, and other work-site restrictions. Work crews were routinely trained during environmental tailboard meetings to avoid no work buffer zones for active nests of the black throated sparrow (Amphispiza bilineata), which were mapped and monitored until the successful fledging of chicks. Impacts to native flora and fauna were minimized to the maximum extent feasible, while maintaining safety near a live 115kv substation.