Imperial Solar Energy Center West
Imperial Solar Energy Center (ISEC) West is a solar energy project that involved the construction of almost 1,130 acres of PV Solar arrays, and approximately 5.6-mile-long, electrical Transmission Interconnection Line on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and private land in Imperial County, California. UltraSystems: 1) tracked implementation of mitigation measures; 2) performed biological, archaeological, and paleontological monitoring; 3) prepared an implemented the Worker Environmental Awareness Program (WEAP) training; and 4) developed a database and management tools to coordinate and streamline field monitoring, personnel training, safety monitoring, resource and tracking, and GIS mapping. In addition, UltraSystems completed Burrowing Owl (BUOW) protection services to include construction of four Artificial Burrow Systems (ABS), monitoring of active BUOW burrows, and collapsing of existing burrows to successfully relocate BUOWs to safe suitable habitat. UltraSystems also prepared an Incidental Take Permit to avoid delays in construction when CDFW made the Flat-tailed Horned Lizard (FTHL) a candidate for threatened/endangered species. UltraSystems provided biologists trained and certified to handle FTHLs during construction activities, and successfully relocated over 200 FTHLs out of harm’s way