KART Transit Station
The Kings Area Regional Transit (KART) project proposes the demolition of existing structures and construction of a new transit station and commercial development. Existing area constraints limits KART service to one-hour headways for each route. As the existing transit center is not able to serve the expansion and improvement plans of KART, a new site has been identified that would allow KART to increase service frequency to provide 30-minute headways for local Hanford routes to better serve the transit needs of the community. The project would increase service by decreasing headways. The approximately four-acre project site is located in the downtown area of the City of Hanford, CA, and has been previously developed. The proposed project would consist of an approximately 19,000-square-foot transit station building, offsite parking, and onsite bus parking. The transit building includes 6,900 square feet on the first floor, 5,516 square feet on the second, and 6,557 square feet on the third floor, totaling approximately 19,000 square feet for the entire building. Additionally, the proposed project includes 21 sawtooth bus bays, 19 staff parking spaces, eight secure staff parking spaces, and 114 public parking spaces for transit users. Two electric bus chargers and two electric car chargers would be constructed onsite.
UltraSystems was responsible for environmental documentation for the project, including preparing an initial study/mitigated negative declaration (IS/MND) and a Categorical Exclusion to analyze the potential environmental and traffic impacts associated with the proposed new KART station. UltraSystems also held an informational meeting for the public to inform them about the project and answer any questions about the project. In addition, because the project is anticipated to receive federal funding, UltraSystems prepared a Title VI Analysis as well as the following technical reports for the IS/MND: Air Quality/Greenhouse Gas Technical Report, a Biological Resources Records Search, a Phase I Cultural Resources Inventory, a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, a Transportation Impact Assessment, and a Noise Technical Report. UltraSystems adhered to the project schedule and budget by completing work in a timely fashion and within the scope of cost provided to the client. The CEQA portion of the project was approved by the Kings County Area Public Transit Agency on December 11, 2019 and the CE was approved in June 2020.