OC Streetcar – OCTA Construction Management
The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), in coordination with the Cities of Santa Ana and Garden Grove, is currently building a new east-west double-track modern streetcar line in Orange County between the Santa Ana Regional Transportation Center (SARTC) in Santa Ana and the Harbor Boulevard/Westminster Avenue intersection in Garden Grove. The purpose of the Project is to improve transit connectivity and transit accessibility, increase transit options, relieve congestion by providing alternative mobility options in a manner that is sensitive to the community’s character, and provide benefits to the environment through improved air quality.
UltraSystems is assisting the construction manager (CM), PG Wong Engineering, Inc., with enforcement of environmental mitigation and monitoring program (MMRP) measures identified in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) adopted by the City of Santa Ana on January 20, 2015, and subsequent measures adopted by the Project. These measures address air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, hazardous materials, water quality and noise. UltraSystems’ work to date has included worker awareness training; pre-construction nesting bird surveys; peer review of construction contractor work plans; testing, removal and disposal of an unanticipated underground oil storage tank; testing, removal, disposal and closure of an unanticipated water well; monitoring of asbestos concrete pipe removal; quality assurance review of waste soil sampling and laboratory reports; routine cultural resources monitoring; and investigation of paleontological and historical resource finds. A major issue in which UltraSystems has provided leadership is the management of unexpectedly high volumes of soil contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons, arsenic and lead. Our hazardous materials experts have set up a system for segregating RCRA and non-RCRA (Cal haz) soils; developing and updating waste profiles, selecting suitable disposal sites, reviewing manifests, and monitoring for compliance with hazardous waste storage and transportation requirements.