Soledad Canyon Road Slope Restoration and Protection Project

UltraSystems Environmental, Inc. (UltraSystems) conducted biological monitoring services for the KOA Corporation (Los Angeles Department of Public Works’) for the Soledad Canyon Road Slope Restoration/Protection Project Located in Los Angeles County. The 2016 Sand Fire burned the boardwall that protected the embankment of Soledad Canyon Road at Mile Marker 15.70 from flow of Santa Clara River. An ungrouted rip rap protection barrier was trenched 8 feet away from the boardwall and material excavated for the rip rap trench was filled to restore the slope. Construction monitoring for sensitive biological resources was conducted over a 3-month period that included coordination with construction crews and to prevent construction stoppage and assist with regulatory compliance. The biological monitor was on-site to monitor certain activities that result in the clearing or grading of areas known to contain sensitive biological resources, and grading, excavation, and/or other ground-disturbing activities to ensure that impacts do not exceed the limits of grading and to minimize the likelihood of inadvertent impacts to special-status wildlife species. During construction, the biological monitor ensured that all biological mitigation, avoidance and protection measures, and best management practices (BMPs) are in place and are adhered to.