UltraSystems Assists City of Fontana with Civic Center Renovation

UltraSystems Assists City of Fontana with Civic Center Renovation

UltraSystems Environmental Chosen to Prepare CEQA documentation and Initial Studies Proposed City Hall Building Rendering (Phase II) above. UltraSystems was honored to prepare a CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) compliant review and Initial Study for the...
Rose Hill Courts Redevelopment Phase I Nearing Completion

Rose Hill Courts Redevelopment Phase I Nearing Completion

UltraSystems was selected by the Housing Authority of Los Angeles (HACLA) to prepare all the environmental documentation for the Rose Hill Courts Redevelopment Project. UltraSystems was honored to be part of this important project for HACLA and the residents they serve in the City of Los Angeles and we are excited to see Phase I nearing completion.