Environmental Impact Report – Anaheim Impact Report
UltraSystems analyzed the potential environmental impacts associated with the construction and operation of a proposed elementary school complex within the Platinum Triangle Master Land Use Plan area, in the City of Anaheim, California. The proposed project site is located at 1010-1016 East Katella Avenue, and bound by Katella Avenue to the north, an alley to the west, one-story office buildings to the south, and a vacant lot to the east that will be the site of a new residential development. For an air quality impact analysis, UltraSystems used URBEMIS 2007 to estimate emissions from construction and operation. A localized impact analysis, using lookup tables published by the South Coast Air Quality Management District, was conducted for on-site construction activities. UltraSystems specified mitigation measures to reduce the local impacts of particulate matter from demolition to below significant levels. UltraSystems’ noise analysis determined that construction noise impacts to future residences on the school’s eastern boundary would be significant. Mitigation measures to reduce the impacts to below significant levels were prescribed.