Heacock Street Bridge Replacement
UltraSystems prepared a Negative Declaration for a proposed boundary line change between Los Angeles and Kern counties. Approximately 1,531 acres of land, located along the I-5 corridor between Gorman and Frazier Park, would have been transferred to the jurisdiction of Kern County from Los Angeles County. The Negative Declaration (ND) prepared by UltraSystems assessed the potential environmental impacts from this proposed boundary line on the County of Los Angeles.
As noted in the Negative Declaration, the majority of land included in the transfer was in an open-space use category. However, there were also residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional uses located within the area to be transferred. The proposed site contained 75 parcels totaling approximately 1,531 acres of land. The owners of 32 of those parcels submitted petitions to initiate boundary change proceedings to detach their properties from the County of Los Angeles and annex the land to the County of Kern. That was the primary reason for the County initiating an environmental process for the boundary change.