Inglewood Metro Rail Station Ammonia Exposure Analysis
The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority’s (Metro) Environmental Consultant circulated the Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIS/DEIR) in September 2009 for this project based on the Conceptual Engineering of the Locally Preferred Alternative. The Hatch Mott MacDonald Project Team was selected to prepare the Phase I Advanced Conceptual Engineering (ACE), Phase II Preliminary Engineering (PE), and Phase III Design Services during Construction. For Phase I, UltraSystems is assisting by identifying potential environmental impacts due to changes in the project design resulting from more detailed engineering, increased understanding of existing physical conditions, and input from the public regarding desired features that they would like to see implemented by Metro. HMM is also preparing plans for the stations and maintenance facility as well as for the light rail alignment.
UltraSystems contributed to HMM submittals including the Basis of Design Report, Design Criteria, Compliance with Environmental Policy & Sustainable Principles, Environmental Policy Compliance Strategy Technical Memorandum & Compliance Checklist, and Physical and Visual Impact Study Report. UltraSystems’ Project Manager also worked closely with Wilson Ihrig & Associates for their preparation of the Noise and Vibration Impact Study Report. The Physical and Visual Impact Study Report and Noise and Vibration Impact Study Report will be used by Metro’s Environmental Consultant in their preparation of the Final EIS/Final EIR. UltraSystems will continue to assist the HMM Project Team characterizing potential environmental issues and identifying resource agency permitting activities.
The Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor extends from the Metro Green Line station at Imperial Highway and Aviation Boulevard, travels north and then east on the Harbor Subdivision railroad right-of-way to Crenshaw Boulevard. From there, the route leaves the railroad right-of-way and travels north to a transfer point with the EXPO Light Rail Transit at the intersection of Crenshaw and Exposition Boulevards.