Murrieta Senior Living Facility
“UltraSystems was hired by Secutrac Engineering to prepare an Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) and associated studies for the Murrieta Senior Living Facility Project in Murrieta, California. The City of Murrieta is the Lead Agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The project is located within the north-central portion of the City of Murrieta. The project site includes a +/-7 acres vacant parcel located at the northwest corner of Clinton Keith Road and Greer Road. Surrounding the site are single-family residential homes, an open space area, and an existing nursery (Murrieta Oaks Nursery).
UltraSystems has prepared all environmental documentation in accordance with CEQA and associated technical studies, including: air quality, greenhouse gas, noise, and cultural resources technical studies for the project. These documents were used by UltraSystems’ planning staff to prepare the IS/MND in compliance with CEQA. Potential onsite impacts were found for air quality, biological resources (including mitigation for impacts on jurisdictional waters), cultural resources, and utilities and service systems. Mitigation measures were proposed to reduce project impacts to a less than significant level, and were incorporated into a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan.”