Program EIR Calle Real Campus Master Plan

  • Market: ,
  • Services: EIR, CEQA and Technical Studies
  • Client: Santa Barbara County
  • Location: Eastern Goleta Valley, CA

Santa Barbara County is developing a long-range vision for the future of its Calle Real campus in the community of Eastern Goleta Valley about five miles northwest of downtown Santa Barbara. The County has owned portions of the project site for over 100 years, and many of the buildings onsite are several decades old. The Master Plan includes demolishing, replacing, and renovating numerous buildings.  The Master Plan also includes consolidating County functions into the two central portions of the Calle Real campus—the Health and Government Center Campus and the County Yards Campus—for streamlined service delivery and to make the best use of the County’s land. The great majority of the project site is open space, and will remain so with Master Plan implementation.

The County has contracted UltraSystems to provide the environmental review services for the proposed project. UltraSystems’ scope of services includes preparation of an EIR to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). As part of the EIR, UltraSystems conducted technical assessments for Air Quality/Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Biological Resources including an Arborist Report, Cultural Resources, Hazardous Materials, Hydrology and Water Quality, Noise, and Transportation. UltraSystems is also providing support for public noticing, public distribution and public hearings for the project.