San Clemente Target Store EIR
The Target Corporation proposed to develop an approximately 142,000-square-foot retail store on 14.79 acres of undeveloped land within the City of San Clemente. A General Plan Amendment and a Specific Plan Amendment were proposed by the applicant to change the site zoning from Residential Medium to Neighborhood Commercial. In addition, the project required the approval of multiple permits including variances, conditional use permits (CUPs), and signage permits. UltraSystems was retained by the City of San Clemente to provide CEQA consulting services. UltraSystems prepared air quality, greenhouse gas, and cultural technical studies, and peer-reviewed biological resources, geotechnical, traffic impact, and visual simulations technical studies prepared by other consultants for the project. UltraSystems prepared the Initial Study, led a public scoping meeting, prepared the Environmental Impact Report (EIR), and circulated the document for public review. The EIR found that development as proposed had the potential to cause significant impacts on aesthetics, air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, geology and soils, and hazards and hazardous materials. Feasible mitigation measures were identified to reduce related impacts to below significant levels. Through extensive ambient noise measurements and detailed traffic noise modeling, UltraSystems demonstrated that noise impacts on nearby sensitive receptors would be less than significant and no mitigation was required. The EIR was certified as adequate by the City Council, and the project was approved. The EIR was completed on time and within budget.