San Emidio Specific Plan, Environmental Impact Report

UltraSystems prepared the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed development of the San Emidio Town Specific Plan, a 9,447-acre site located in unincorporated Kern County, approximately 35 miles south of the City of Bakersfield at the junction of Interstate 5 and State Route 99. In support of the EIR, UltraSystems also prepared all supporting technical documentation, including biological resources, cultural resources, air, noise, geology, seismic, flood control, drainage, land use & planning, transportation, housing, socioeconomics, energy, health & safety, visual resources, aesthetics; mitigation monitoring and planning; and report preparation.

The site was predominantly vacant with limited oil production and sand and gravel quarry uses, and the California Aqueduct traversed it from the north to the east. The site had significant sensitive biological resources. Areas of controversy included the availability and utilization of water, the degradation of the regional air quality, the irretrievable loss of the natural environment due to urbanization, the loss of habitat for sensitive biotic species, and the impacts associated with local and regional circulation and transportation. The EIR addressed in detail the concerns associated with numerous environmental issues and proposed mitigation measures, which were designed to reduce the impact of the identified environmental effects to less than significant. UltraSystems completed all research, analysis, and documentation and presented the County with a Final EIR, which was approved.